Italian scientists investigate cognitive therapy at home

Computer based cognitive rehabilitation therapy by use of CoRe system

Citation: “Cognitive rehabilitation can be used to restore lost brain function or slow down degenerative diseases. Computerization of rehabilitation entails many advantages, but patients – especially elderly people – might be less prone to the use of technology and consequently reluctant towards this innovative therapeutic approach. Our software system, CoRe, supports a therapist during the administration of rehabilitation sessions: exercises can be generated dynamically, thus reducing repetitivity, and patients’ performance trends automatically analysed to facilitate the assessment of their progress.”

Authors: Alloni A., Sinforiani E., Zucchella C., Sandrini G., Bernini S., Cattani B., Pardell D.T., Quaglini S., Pistarini C.
Department of Electrical , Computer and Biomedical Engineering, University of Pavia , Pavia , Italy.

The original can be found here.

HelferApp works exactly in the same direction. Cognitive Therapy needs to provide so much fun, that patients work unsolicited.

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