New Working Memory Training on all devices

New working memory training on all devices

The innovative solution for improving working memory and core cognitive functions!

 Introducing HeadApp, the latest innovation designed to promote all aspects of working memory!

Working memory is at the core of our cognitive control and executive functions, affecting our ability to problem solve, comprehend speech, do arithmetic, and achieve our full potential.

The HeadApp program features five comprehensive working memory exercises, including N-Back training, Verbal WM, Visual WM, combined Verbal-Visual WM, and Black Jack WM, all adapted to maximize the effectiveness of your WM training.

Whether you’re a neuropsychologist, psychologist, SLP, OT, or brain injury rehab specialist, HeadApp can be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Don’t just take our word for it. HeadApp offers a free trial for up to 14 days, giving you the chance to experience the full program and see the results for yourself. So why wait? Get started today:

Free trial for the software on Windows and Mac PCs/Laptops. Software loads in your default browser, no install needed. Click “Professional Version” and “Register”. Start by adding your first patient clicking “New”.

We’d love to hear from you! Please contact us with any questions about our solutions. International Sales/USA Office:

Phone: +1 617 960 1598    e-mail:

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