Time It – Anticipation, time and calendar

Training goal

Screenshot Time It Calendar Training

Stop time, anticipation, time and calendar

Time It is divided into 3 major areas:

  • Stop time, anticipation
  • Time
  • Calendar
Stop time, anticipation

The training serves to improve the sense of time and the “internal clock”. Trainees have to adhere to and estimate times.

There are 4 levels of difficulty:

  • Stop seconds
  • Stop 1 / 10th of a second
  • Stop seconds (anticipation)
  • Stop 1 / 10th of a second (anticipation)

In the first two levels of difficulty, a number counts down and should be stopped at 0 seconds (or 0.0 seconds).
In the last two levels of difficulty, the number slowly disappears and is no longer visible after half the time. Trainees can only solve the task if they count “internally”.


The training serves to improve the handling of times (clock reading). There are a total of 10 levels of difficulty.

The first levels of difficulty are passive, trainees have to recognize and classify times on the clock.
Then active tasks follow, times should be set on a clock according to specifications.
In the highest levels of difficulty, the trainee has to reckon with times.


The trainee practices reading different calendars in 4 levels of difficulty.

Monthly and weekly calendars are used. The content of the calendar is queried via questions that are to be answered using multiple choice.


Screenshot Time It Training Setup

Stars per level

Here you can set how many tasks the trainee should solve before the level of difficulty increases if the performance is good. If the tasks were too difficult, the level of difficulty can also decrease.

Limit training duration

Limiting the duration of the training can be useful for time management or therapeutic reasons.

If you click on “Limit training duration”, a slide control appears on which you can set the therapy duration to 10 to 60 minutes.

Acoustic clock

An acoustic cycle can be switched on to support the time perception of the trainee. Then the sound of a metronome can be heard during the task.

Screenshot Time It Anticipation Training

Duration of the countdown

The difficulty of the stop tasks can be varied using this parameter.

In the easy levels of difficulty, a longer countdown time helps the trainee to better adjust to the second cycle.

The higher degrees of difficulty (anticipation) are more demanding with a long countdown duration, as the clock has to be counted over a longer period of time.


Screenshot Time It Clock Training

The level of difficulty of the training increases or decreases depending on the percentage of correct solutions. 18 levels of difficulty are offered.

Stop time

The countdown can be stopped by clicking the mouse (PC), tapping the screen (touch) or pressing the space bar.

Setting the clock

For tasks that require the time to be set, exercisers can drag the watch hands with the mouse (PC) or fingers (touch). There are also switches for fine-tuning the hours and minutes.