Reason It: Reasoning

Aim of the training

Training "Reason It", yes or no?

Aphasia – Reasoning

Reason It offers 3 task areas:

  • Numerical Sequencing
  • Properties
  • Connections
Training "Reason It", commonalities

The trainee learns by use of reasoning to choose the right words. Based on different types of tasks this ability is imparted in an entertaining way.

Initially, numbers must be sorted in the correct order. First as a number, then as a number word. With each task properly solved, the size and range of the numbers increases, from tens to thousands.

In the second part of the training properties of words, concepts and terms must be recognized, evaluated and compared. This helps in understanding of meanings and in forming of categories.

Finally, similarities and connections have to be be recognized. This supports the correct use of words and terms.


Training "Reason It", choice of areas

Choice of exercise

Right after starting the training, the user selects an exercise. There are 6 task areas in Word It.

The order of the exercises is not a graduation of the difficulty levels. Almost every task has different requirements, so that the type of disturbance is responsible for which tasks are more challenging for the person training.

Limit training duration

Due to time management or for therapeutic reasons, limiting the training duration may be useful.

When you are clicking on “Limit training duration”, a slide control appears. By means of this slide control, the therapy duration can be set between 10 and 60 minutes.

Num tasks per level

This parameter is used to set how many tasks have to be solved by the training person before the level of difficulty is increased (in case of a good performance). If the tasks were too difficult, the level of difficulty can also decrease.

Pictures for terms

Language training explaining image

For (almost) every word used in training, one (or more) picture(s) is/are available. Overall, HeadApp has more than 10,000 labeled pictures. This helps the trainee to work out concepts whose meaning he (still) does not know.

picture buttonNext to each word is a “picture” button. If the user clicks this button, a picture matching the term appears.

The option “With pictures for terms” can also be switched off, if the assistance via pictures is not desired or the trainee is distracted too much by the pictures.

Course of the training

Training "Reason It", choice of difficulties

After selecting the desired task area, several difficulty levels of a task are available.

Once a level has been selected, switching between difficulty levels and tasks will be autoadaptive.


Training "Reason It", which one is?

Tasks are handled in two modes, depending on the type of task.

Mode 1: Click. The correct answer is chosen from a selection by clicking (multiple choice). If the selection was correct, the button color changes to green, wrong answers are marked in red.

Mode 2: Drag and Drop. An answer consists of several sub-elements which have to be placed with the mouse (or finger (touch-screen)). When all (partial) tasks have been solved, a “Done!” button appears. By clicking this button the exerciser actively decides that his solution is complete.